
“And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14

After He finished creation, God modeled rest on the seventh day. In fact, the very first day of Adam and Eve’s existence was spent with God as He rested from His creation work. He has woven rest into the fabric of life, both the need for it and the blessing of it.


Take some time, reflect, and work through these questions to help you examine your thought life. Write them in your journal.

  • Are you tired? Are you worn out? What is keeping you from the type of rest that refreshes you down to the core of your being?

  • What do you need to stop doing in order to create margin in your schedule to rest?

  • Reflect on the differences between American style leisure (For example, watching something on the couch) and soul-nourishing rest (For example, setting your attention on God throughout an enjoyable activity). Which of those two do you most often do?

  • Think about a couple areas of brokenness in your life and write them down. Reflect on how practicing Sabbath rest could bring renewal and transformation in those areas. How could God change you for the better through this type of soul-nourishing rest?

  • This time will not happen by accident; it must be planned for and protected. How will you plan and schedule Sabbath rest into your weekly rhythm?

Additional Resources 


“Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World” by A. J. Swoboda and Matthew Sleeth.


“Stop, Rest, Delight, Worship” teaching from John Mark Comer..


“Sabbath: Rest For Your Soul” sermon from Bridgetown Church.