what is Rhythms of Life all about?

The rhythms of your life are the regular patterns and schedules by which you live your life. For some, these rhythms are rushing out the door, squeezing in a meal, checking the phone too much, binge-watching Netflix, then crashing into bed too late at night. For others, these rhythms are life-giving relationships, planned and protected times of rest, generosity, and focused attention on God. We all have everyday things we do and seasonal rhythms throughout the year. The question is not if we have rhythms of life, but rather what are our rhythms of life, and are they healthy?

As followers of Jesus, we strive to pattern our lives after His. That is the basic idea of what it means to be an apprentice or disciple of Jesus. We should begin by listening to what He says (Words), doing what He does (Works), and living how He lives (Ways). Our aim is to live with Jesus as our central commitment, so we should pattern our own rhythms of life after His.

what are Jesus’ rhythms?

We see in the Gospels that Jesus built His life around three priorities.

He devoted time to be with God the Father (what we call “Up” rhythms).

He spent time with His Spiritual Family consisting of His disciples and anyone “who does the will of Our Father in Heaven” (what we call “In” rhythms).

He went on mission with His spiritual family to bring the good news of His Kingdom to those in need (what we call “Out” rhythms).

Living out these priorities in our context will take intentionality. None of us will accidentally stumble into an Up, In, Out kind of life, so we encourage you to utilize this resource to help you architect your life in a way that is centered on Jesus.

What is this site for?

This site exists as a companion to the Rhythms of Life Workbook. We recommend using this site to supplement the content in the workbook as you look to grow your rhythms of life. Use the videos and additional resources to go deeper and continue your journey in listening to what Jesus says, doing what He does, and living how He lives.